Enjoy Troy Podcasts

Linda Passaretti and Tom Reynolds of the Enjoy Troy Company tell their story on episode #03 of A Small American City, a podcast by Troy author Duncan Crary.

“It is a mandate. It’s an order. Enjoy Troy. Period.”
— Linda Passaretti

TROY, N.Y. — When you first arrive in Troy, you can’t avoid seeing it. A playful sticker placed here and there. A black and white oval, with happy little lowercase lettering that says “enjoy troy.” This “meme” has spread all over town. But for a long time few people knew where the cheery mandate originated.

When it started appearing on clocks and signs at local businesses, even the original creator of the slogan didn’t know who was spreading those joyful gifts. In this episode, A Small American City speaks with Linda Passaretti and Tom Reynolds, the duo behind The Enjoy Troy Co. Today, there are dozens of variations on the original icon, which appear on shirts, hats, coffee tables, etc. that can be purchased locally at the art galleries and stores downtown. And the small entrepreneurs have plans to sell their wares nationally to other cities and people named Troy.

But this effort has never been about making money for Tom and Linda. It’s about spreading a philosophy – to enjoy the small city they love.

This episode begins with a conversation with Jennifer Tedesco.

(35 MB | 44:56)



“Come to Life” by Ben Karis-Nix (feat. Sea of Trees), (released Jan 17, 2013. Swordpaw)

“Trojans” by Atlas Genius, (released 2012, Warner Bros. Records). Used by permission of +1

“Joy All The Time” by Ben Karis-Nix, (released June 24, 2008, Collar City Records).


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